Pondes Marbun

Pondes Marbun

Kamis, 30 April 2015

English Word Dislocation

English Word Dislocation

1. “Fly”
The real meaning of fly is like flying in the sky like a bird or airplane. But fly also mean when you’re drunk, under control of drugs or alcohol.

2. “Pool”
In Indonesia “pool” doesn’t always mean like the place we can swim or the place called “swimming pool” but it also means that pool is some place like bus station or taxi station.

3.   “Mini Market”
The structure of mini market is not like grocery store but really like supermarket but much smaller. So, Mini Market and grocery store actually the same place but have the different name.

Bread = Roti & talk = Bicara
But is used as the name of the food. Whereas if separated means unreasonable if the bread spoke. 

5. “Warnet”
“Warnet” which stands for “warung internet” is some place where we can using internet for some money. The words warung internet is a combination between indonesian and english words. “Warung” in indonesian actually means like little store. So, “warnet” is similar to Internet Lounge

6.Hot Dog
Hot = panas & dog = anjing
But is often used as the name of the food. But the food was nothing to do with his name.


Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2



The American people greatly appreciate the time, they never ignore the time and they say time is money. time is very important to them and they are very timely. while Indonesia was a very not appreciate the time. Indonesian often do something that is not important so it is a waste of time, they are rarely on time and always gain time, that's the culture of Indonesia

Americans strongly support the educational knowledge. they do not care if they get the value of a low value that is not a problem for them, and they are more concerned with knowledge of the value of a good or bad. of research they made contact with their teachers, lecturers or professors lecturers. teachers can build relationships with students outside the classroom, but in their class to hold opinions. while education in Indonesia is very different from education in America. if they get good value from the knowledge of students. In Indonesia one is cheating on tests, Indonesia just plagiarizing written work.

Invitation difference Americans and people of Indonesia are very different. in America the first invitation produces no appointment and no more than a "polite" people of the United expression.And invite someone they have to defermine, when, where, what time, etc.Mean while the Indonesian people are very different if an invite to arrived at his house even though only an expression but an appointment for them. So, they did not say when, where, what, when, they will soon come.
they do not care about questions like that, that they were important: come keundangan.

Indonesia mostly taken from Islamic religious modesty
eg eat with your right hand, it includes politeness, because most Moslem Indonesia. so they are sensible according to his religion.
if other countries (United States) was free, even Caucasian people when there is a nude beach does not mean he wanted to change clothes or shower but naked (without clothes).
religion of Islam teaches politeness one should not arbitrarily change clothes in place.
even in the religion of Islam teaches close the genitals.

In America they are maintaining the cleanliness, especially in their kitchen because when you come in their house, they will invite you in and show all her household. While in Indonesia is very concerned about cleanliness, sometimes when we invite someone to show the contents of the house, they do not respond because the situation does not allow.